Dedicated IP ADDRESSES, always land in the inbox!

Outboundhost's dedicated servers and IP's are always 100% dedicated to every client, meaning you do not share server or IP when sending outbound and therefor you run a safer infrastructure.

What can you do with Outbound host?

SMTP SERVER: send outbound emails no limits
Open Webmail
Forward emails
Set new domains
Create new sender identities

Dedicated IP Address matters

Did you know that Google Suite and Microsoft Office uses shared IP's and all it takes is some crypto spammers to send a batch of cold emails to burn one of their IPs which you might be using and go to spam without knowledge.

Outboundhost is build by and take in over 10 years of experience to ensure you always land in the inbox, and good IP's that are not blacklisted, a safe infratstructure with some of our IP under is where we start.